Complimentary Sewerage Pumping Station Design
Hi-Tech New Design Tool
Q-Max is now able to readily assist in the design of sewerage pumping stations.
This has never been easier thanks to our purpose-built, see-at-a-glance new design tool.
It’s the ultimate ‘flow chart’ designed to save time and make the entire process simpler.
As you can see from the PDF download, you only need to advise Q-Max of the variables such as ADWF (as ET or EP), Invert level, rising main length and level, and Q-Max can quickly give you an overall design page for you to review.
As well as sewage pumping stations, QMAX can offer this service for many other types of pumping stations.
For more details about this pumping station design tool, or for assistance with any project requiring a pump solution, contact QMAX now.
Contact us to download your complimentary sewerage pumping station design!