How to Avoid Waste Water Pump Blockages Like The Plague

How to Avoid Waste Water Pump Blockages Like The Plague

October 8, 2020

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There is nothing more frustrating, costly and time consuming than a pump blockage or ‘rag up’– especially when Q-Max Pumping Systems now stock a viable solution to this universal problem.

Ideal for waste water pump stations and stormwater applications, the specially designed pumps drastically reduce soft blockages and ragging because they allow these objects to readily pass through without jamming.

We choose these pumps because with their single-channel opening impellers with bigger throughlets, they are far more efficient. Without these purpose-built features, things such as fabrics, shoes, toys and bags – the bane of a pump’s life – would continually act like the proverbial spanner in the works.

With the largest possible throughlet and only one channel, there is only one leading edge – therefore the risk of clogging is minimised and in some cases eliminated.

These wastewater pumps produce a steep head-capacity curve, making them ideal for high capacity requirements.

Chronic pump blockage problems solved.

Soft blockages and rag ups are a chronic problem. According to research, three in every five operator calls outs to sewage pumping stations (over 60%) are a direct result of pump blockages. In some cases they can result in a complete stoppage. This can lead to costly downtime and in the worst case scenario, serious pump damage.

Designed for durability and longevity, they come complete with an adjustable wear plate on the front of the impeller to maintain high efficiency.

They are yet another example of Q-Max Pumping Systems providing the perfect solution.

Zero call outs.

“Since installing the ABS XFP Contrablock submersible sewer pumps from Q-Max Pumping Systems, our emergency maintenance call outs for this pump station have gone from a minimum of 2 to 3 calls per week due to blockage, to zero call outs required.

We are very happy with this result and have no hesitation in recommending the ABS XFP Sewer pumps. On a side note, Albury City Council have also proved the ABS XRW High Efficiency submersible Mixers to be very reliable and efficient at our waste water treatment installations.”

Clinton Crocker

Mechanical Coordinator – Waste Water Albury City Council

Interested in seeing how you can minimise your call outs?  Click here to see it in action.

For more details of these outstanding pumps or other wastewater solutions click here, or FreeCall 1800 678 910.


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