Project Name:
Canberra Centre SPS Upgrade
Canberra ACT
Year Completed:
Do you ever look at ageing pump systems and hope they last until Monday?
We were recently engaged by a client to assess an old sewer pump station in a shopping centre which was well past it’s use by date. The pumps had broken copper pipework and very old controls and level sensors. This system was limping along, operating on only 1 pump, as the 2nd pump had a completely blocked discharge line – an accident waiting to happen…
…and happen it did! One evening the second discharge pipe blocked up and the system backed up and overflowed. The client was in touch immediately and QMAX was able to pull the strings to get a complete refurbishment underway …but not before the client had spent tens of thousands of dollars on vacuum truck services to keep the pump station pumped out and the shopping centre open!
QMAX completed a full refurbishment of the pump station including:
• Full HDPE pipework upgrade with Epoxy coated Resilient Seat valves
• New stainless steel guiderail system
• New touchscreen controller with submersible level transducer
• New gas-tight aluminium surface-mount cover with safety grates
This comprehensive refurbishment was completed overnight with the system fully back online by the shopping centre opening at 8am the next morning.
Don’t leave that old system lingering on… the final piece of straw could land tonight, and the consequences could be disastrous.
Contact QMAX today for an audit and Proposal for your ageing infrastructure.
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72 High St,
Queanbeyan, NSW 2620
Level 6, 10 Herb Elliott Drive,
Sydney Olympic Park,
NSW 2127
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